Why you need us

Why you need us?

In the first instance if you do a health check on your employees you might notice some signs:

Increased absence


Stress-related ill health

Higher staff turnover

And both you and your staff maybe experiencing the following:

Worry about work

Worry about home

Drinking too much

Taking drugs



Not enjoying things

There’s also the feeling that you’re letting yourself ‘go’: stopping going to the gym, smoking more than is good for you, overeating junk food, staying up watching TV until the wee small hours even though you’re not enjoying what you’re watching.

And from a business point of view you increasingly have to get temporary staff to cover, seeing increased recruiters’ fees, finding it hard to get a consistent team together for projects.

They’re all signs that things aren’t well. And it’s time to give us a call.

The Corporate Kind. The soft stuff that gets the hard stuff done.

What we’re doing is living our strap line.

That doesn’t mean we’re fluffy, it means we educate your people emotionally to look after themselves so it doesn’t impact on the business.

And understand that sometimes work is hard work.

It’s a kindness that helps build careers, creates teams and a sense of pride.