What we do

This depends on the challenge you as an HR/Line Manager/Wellbeing Officer face.

It’s about building resilience, giving your team the coping skills to mange work without worrying and feel in control.

We can do this for teams and individuals

Typical work scenarios we deal with are:
Feeling overwhelmed
Feeling judged
Fear of public speaking
Feeling you’re out of your depth
Imposter syndrome – not sure how you’ve got where you are and that you’ll be ‘discovered’
Everything is falling on your shoulders

And, discreetly, we can deal with the impact of bullying.

Latest project

Working with the clinicians of Deighton NHS Trust on resilience and mental toughness

The Corporate Kind. The soft stuff that gets the hard stuff done.

What we’re doing is living our strap line.

That doesn’t mean we’re fluffy, it means we educate your people emotionally to look after themselves so it doesn’t impact on the business.

And understand that sometimes work is hard work.

It’s a kindness that helps build careers, creates teams and a sense of pride.